For those involved in delivering capital construction projects, there are a few critical decisions that the basis for why they were taken need to be documented so they can be reviewed and audited when needed. Examples of those critical decisions include approving the selection of a project, approving the exit of a stage, approving the selection of a vendor, approving an online bid technical and financial submission, approving a deliverable document, approving the project organization chart, and approving the project resource requirement.

The decision made by the stakeholder will depend on the analysis and evaluation done by the individuals assigned to do so. The analysis and evaluation done by those individuals need to be captured against a predefined list of variables that summarize what are the items that matter for making the decision. Those items are not equally important when it comes to assessing the overall findings needed to make the decision. Accordingly, each will be set a weight value to enable having a single weighted score that can help the stakeholder or stakeholders to make the decision.In addition, the stakeholder might be interested in knowing what his/her peers think of this weighted scoring to support the decision to be made. This subjective rating will be usually based on a scale of “5” where “1” means “Do Not Agree At All” and “5” for “Full Agreement”. It is also recommended to request the stakeholder who provided the rating to explain the reason for his/her rating. The stakeholder who needs to make the decision can decide on what ratings to consider or not.

PMWeb 7 Details of Objective Scoring and Subjective Rating

Using a Project Management Information System (PMIS) like PMWeb, the objective scoring and subjective rating for critical decisions can be enforced. PMWeb Scoring module allows defining the unlimited number of scoring templates that can be specific to a PMWeb module, specific program of projects or all programs, and/or a specific project or all projects managed in PMWeb. 

For each scoring template, PMWeb allows adding unlimited items to score a transaction of the selected PMWeb record type. For each item, PMWeb allows defining grouping for the scoring items for which it will from a predefined list of values defined by each organization. In addition, there will be fields for the scoring question number and an abbreviation of the question description.

PMWeb 7 Portfolio Define Scoring Contractors Due Diligence 

To enable having a meaningful and comprehensive scoring template, PMWeb allows having different types for the scoring questions. Those include Text, List of Values, Selection Radio Buttons, Documents to be Provided and Attached, Contract or any Document Clauses or Subclauses, an Integer Number, a Double Number (two decimal points), a Date and Time, a Quantity Value, a Currency Amount or a “Yes/No” or other selections Checkbox. For each one of those scoring types, a self-explanatory question needs to be added. Depending on the Question type, options to select scoring values can be also added. 

PMWeb 7 Portfolio Define Scoring Contractors Due Diligence

In addition, the table has a field for Score which will be filled after evaluating the answer given to the scoring item. Although it is highly recommended to fix the number of scoring points available for each question, usually at “5” or “10”, PMWeb gives the option to have different scoring points available for each question. Each scoring question should have a weight value in relation to all of the other questions. 

It is highly recommended that the total sum value of those weight values be 100. The Weighted Score field is for the number is calculated by PMWeb based on the score and the weight values given to each item. Finally, there is the option to add a note to each scoring item.

PMWeb 7 Portfolio Define Scoring Contractors Due Diligence

For the PMWeb business process that has been assigned with the scoring template, this template will become available to capture the Answers and Scores given to each scoring item. This will automatically create the overall weighted score of the assessment which the stakeholder can use to support his/her decision.

PMWeb 7 Tools Vendor Prequal 
Vendor Prequal Records 

For those PMWeb business processes that allow assigning a scoring matrix to them, a rating will be also available. This tab allows capturing the subjective rating of each individual on a scale of “5” points where “1” means “Do Not Agree At All” and “5” for “Full Agreement”. The subjective score can be given as Full or Half Point, that is for example “1.5” or “2.0”. It is highly recommended to request the reviewer provide the basis for the given subjective rating. If some of those subjective ratings are not to be considered, then the “Use” can be deactivated. PMWeb will automatically average the value of the subjective ratings that will be used.

PMWeb 7 Tools Vendor Prequal 
Vendor Prequal Records 


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