Earned Value Management (EVM) to Report Performance When the Culture of “100% Committed to Achieve” in Managing the Contractor’s Contract Price on Capital Construction Projects is Adopted

PMWeb Project Management Information System (PMIS) requisition module will be used to capture the details of all interim payment certificates issued by the contractor and approved by the project owner. This value is also known as the Earned Value (EV) which will be used in Earned Value Method (EVM) reporting. Read more…

How to Enforce the Culture of “100% Committed to Achieve” in Managing the Contractor’s Contract Price on Capital Construction Projects

For an EPC contractor, general contractor, subcontractor and other types of vendors who have been awarded lump-sum turnkey (LSTK) contracts, ensuring the actual direct and indirect costs incurred during the project execution do not exceed the final awarded contract price is a must requirement. One of the possible methods to Read more…

Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting the Value of Capital Construction Projects Using the Earned Value Management (EVM) Method

Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the performance of schedule, cost and quality will always be a core requirement when it comes to managing the execution of capital construction projects. Nevertheless, it is also true that project owners, and in particular those of the public sector, each project they undertake will contribute Read more…