Using Organizational Charts to Document the Roles and Responsibilities and Performance Appraisal in the Delivery of Capital Construction Projects

The delivery of capital construction projects usually involves a large number of individuals who will be assigned duties and responsibilities considering the specific goals and objectives assigned to the project team which is part of the project’s overall goals and objectives. A project team could consist of full-time and part-time Read more…

PMWeb 7 Outlet Mail Engineering Forms Outlet Mail Toolbox Forms Outlet Mail Workflow

Did COVID-19 Result in Breaking Project Communications or Simply Expose Already Broken Communications?

It has been said that project management team members spend approximately 70% to 90% of their time communicating. Communications can include formal and informal communications; some of those are oral communications while others are written. The volume of those communications depends on the project size, complexity, and the number of Read more…

PMWeb 7 Social Media Compliance Report

Using Daily Reports to Proactively Enforce Social Distancing Measures on Construction Sites in the Post Covid-19 Era

In the post-COVID-19 era, one of the key challenges that will face project owners and contractors is how to implement the necessary measures to enforce social distancing on construction sites. Contractors, as well as Project Owners, have the obligation to safeguard the safety and health requirements in the workplace to Read more…