Adopting a Paperless Strategy for Document Attachments on Everyday Communication Records on Capital Construction Projects

One of the common requirements on all capital construction projects is that most project related communications, require attaching different types of documents and records that the communication is referring to. Those include shop drawings, as built drawings, pictures, videos, specifications, insurance documents, shipping documents, no objection certificates, permits, warranties, method Read more…

The Digitization of Cost Management on Capital Construction Projects

Regardless of a capital construction project type, size, complexity, delivery method, location or managed by who, managing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the project’s cost is always a must requirement. This requires as a minimum to have a real-time report that provides a single version of the truth of the project’s Read more…

Why Digitizing Project Management Business Processes for Capital Construction Projects Is the Only Way Forward To Survive?

No one can deny that the fourth industrial revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0) will impact all industries including the construction industry. One of the areas that forces the digitization is managing the delivery of capital construction projects. Not only do digitalized business processes improve the efficiency, transparency, and accountability in performing the hundred-plus Read more…