The Emerging Role of Digital Reporting Engineers on Capital Construction Projects

The growing adoption of Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) like PMWeb in managing the massive volume of the daily transactions of the business processes needed to deliver capital constructions projects has created a wealth of information that needs to be communicated to all stakeholders who might be directly or indirectly Read more…

Using Technology to Enable a 360-Solution to Manage, Monitor, Evaluate and Report the Performance of Retail Brands Expansion and Remodeling Programs and Projects – Step 5: Real-Time Single Version of the Truth Performance Reporting

One of the key advantages of using a 100% Web-Enabled Project Management Information System (PMIS) like PMWeb is that it will eliminate the issue of failed or delayed reporting to the different stakeholders who have the requirement to receive specific reports in a specific format on a specific date and Read more…

The Five Low-Hanging Fruits that Each Entity Should Aim for When Starting the Journey of Digital Transformation for Managing, Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting Performance of Capital Construction Projects

The term “low-hanging fruit” is a commonly-used metaphor for doing the simplest or easiest work first requiring little or no effort, or for a quick fix that produces ripe, delectable results. Entities who are considering digital transformation for managing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting performance of their capital construction projects’ portfolio Read more…