How Can Technology Improve the Monitoring and Reporting of the Delivery, Storage, and Release of Equipment and Materials to Construction Sites?

One of the key requirements that need to be managed, monitored, and reported on construction projects is the delivery, storage, and release of equipment and material at the different storage locations at the construction site. Those equipment and material items will be incorporated in the different building systems that are Read more…

Formalizing Comprehensive, Transparent, and Unbiased Interview Questions for Approving Project Team Members to be Deployed on Construction Sites

One of the common practices in construction projects is the requirement to interview the project team members proposed by the contractor to be deployed on the project. To ensure that those interviews are comprehensive, transparent, and unbiased, it is highly recommended to have those interview questions pre-established by the project Read more…

The Great Value of Capturing Project Team Members’ Feedback on Projects’ Performance

Project Management Information System (PMIS) like PMWeb are the solutions that are best suited to capture the details of the different project management processes needed to deliver a capital project. This data provides the real-time information needed to monitor and evaluate the project’s financial, schedule, quality, safety, communication, risk among Read more…