One of the required project management processes during the turnover and closeout phase of a capital project is to complete the demobilization and site reclamation process. Demobilization consists of the work and operations necessary to disband all mobilized items and clean up the site. It includes the removal of all temporary ramps, access ways, roads, signs, temporary fencing, construction debris including rock chips, wood debris, construction stakes, and other construction‐related refuse, and temporary facilities or works and the restoration of surfaces to an equal or better than existing condition shall also be included as part of demobilization. Site reclamation includes reclamation of areas disturbed during construction, other than access and staging areas, to pre‐project conditions or better.

To ensure that all demobilization and site reclamation scope of work is done in a comprehensive way right from the first time, it is highly recommended to have a detailed checklist of all items that need to be completed for this scope of work. The demobilization checklist will group the different items that need to be completed and inspected. For example, the checklist could include categories for waste management, erosion and sediment control, groundwater and dewatering control, vehicle maintenance, washing and refueling control, fuel and chemical storage control, water quality and marine ecology control, and welfare facilities, offices and laydown control.

PMWeb 7 Enviromantal Demobilazation

Using a Project Management Information System (PMIS) like PMWeb, a form will be created for the Environmental Demobilization Checklist. The form will have two parts for which permissions will be set to limit the Contractor’s access permission to the second part of the form titled as “Section 2: Action Items” while the inspector from the project owner side will have access to the first section titled as “Demobilization Checklist”.

The first part will be for the inspection that will be carried out by the inspection team. For each inspection item, the form will include fields for the work completion status (Yes, No or Not Applicable), observation comments made by the inspector for non-conformant works that need to be rectified by the Contractor and the target completion date for completing the non-conformant works. It is highly recommended to take picture for each raised observation for which it will be attached to the Environmental Demobilization Checklist form. When PMWeb is accessed from an iPad or any other smart device that has a camera, selecting the attach command will prompt the use to take a picture or video and attach to the form.

PMWeb 7 Toolbox Forms NPMO

The second section of the form, titled Action Items will be completed by the Contractor for which the Contractor will detail all observations that must be rectified as per the carried out inspection and list the required actions that the Contractor has taken for rectifying the reported observation, status of the observation if it is still open or closed and the inspection date. For each closed observation, a photo will be taken and attached to the form. Each attached photo should be labelled as per the photo ID set for each observation item. When PMWeb is accessed from an iPad or any other smart device that has a camera, selecting the attach command will prompt the use to take a picture or video and attach to the form.

PMWeb 7 Action Items

All supportive documents and pictures used for the Environmental Demobilization Checklist will be uploaded into PMWeb document management repository and then attached to the form. In addition, all relevant records including imported emails will be linked to the form.

PMWeb 7 Toolbox Forms NPMO Project Charter

A workflow can be assigned to the Environmental Demobilization Checklist to formalize the submission, review and approval process. The workflow will identify the different individuals involved in the review and approval process, the duration allotted for each and the sequence to be followed in the review process.

PMWeb 7 Workflow Log


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