Can a Document Management Solution Fulfill the Performance and Contractual Requirements for Executing Project Management Processes Needed for Capital Projects?

Capital project owners always have the question if a document management system can fulfill the performance requirements and contractual obligations for managing the hundreds of project management processes that need to be executed to manage the project. Those are the processes that relate to schedule, cost, quality, communications, resources, risks, Read more…

The Need for Having Standard Best Practices Checklists to Identify the Risks Needed to Assess the Bankability of Capital Projects

A bankable project is a project that has sufficient collateral, future cash flow, and a high probability of success, to be acceptable to lenders for financing. In simple phrases, a capital project is considered bankable if lenders are willing to finance it. The bankability of capital projects requires identifying potential Read more…

How Can Project Management Information Systems Stop Bullying on Construction Projects?

Those who are involved in delivering construction projects can often report the many bullying incidents that have either taken place between the project owner and his authorized representatives from one side and the contractor from the other side as well as the bullying incidents between the contractor and his subcontractors. Read more…