How can Project Owners in the Public Sector Have a Quick Solution to Monitor, Evaluate, and Report Their Projects’ Portfolio Performance?

More than ever, public sector project owners, like municipalities and ministries for public works, health, interior, education, water and electricity, housing, and defense, who have projects spread across different geographical locations within their country have the requirement to manage, monitor, evaluate and report their projects’ performance and status to senior Read more…

Formalizing Comprehensive, Transparent, and Unbiased Interview Questions for Approving Project Team Members to be Deployed on Construction Sites

One of the common practices in construction projects is the requirement to interview the project team members proposed by the contractor to be deployed on the project. To ensure that those interviews are comprehensive, transparent, and unbiased, it is highly recommended to have those interview questions pre-established by the project Read more…

Using Earned Value Management to Monitor, Evaluate, and Report Resources Efficiency Involved in Delivering Capital Projects

For engineering consultants, general contractors, EPC contractors, design-build contractors, subcontractors, and other entities whose project profitability depends on the efficiency of their planned resources, labor, and non-labor, in delivering the project’s scope of work, need information to enable them to monitor, evaluate and report on any variances, the reasons that Read more…