Why the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Should be Part of the Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting on Your Capital Construction Project Investments Performance

Although many of those involved in investing in capital construction projects have different criteria to decide if the project opportunity is worthwhile investing in or not, nevertheless, two of the most important measures that will always appear on this list are Risk Attractiveness and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Those Read more…

Using Earned Value Method (EVM) to Monitor, Evaluate and Report on the Performance of Your Real Estate Property Gross Development Value (GDV)

Gross Development Value (GDV) is one of the most important performance metrics that all real estate investors and property developers closely monitor and evaluate when building their project assets. The gross development value of a property investment project gives a near accurate figure of what that property or real estate Read more…

Digitizing the Quality Management Plan for Capital Construction Projects

The Project Quality Management Plan (PQMP) for capital construction projects is a written document that serves as the basis for the overall Project Quality Assurance and Control System and identifies the quality requirements, methods to achieve Project Quality objectives, and continual improvements during the work execution. The Project Quality Management Read more…