How Can Project Owners in the Public Sector Have a Quick Solution to Monitor, Evaluate and Report their Projects’ Portfolio Performance?

More than ever, public sector project owners, like municipalities and ministries for public works, health, interior, education, water and electricity, housing, and defense, who have projects spread across different geographical locations within their country have the requirement to manage, monitor, evaluate and report their projects’ performance and status to senior Read more…

How to Have Complete and Comprehensive Shop Drawings, As-Built Drawings, Method Statements, Material Samples, and Other Submittal Logs for Construction Projects

One of the critical requirements of any construction project is to have a complete and comprehensive submittal log to ensure that all needed submittals required for manufacturing, procurement, and on-site activities are identified to eliminate the threat of missed submittals that could delay the planned schedule activities. The practice that Read more…

The Need to Formally Review Contract Drawings for Construction Projects Before Releasing to Tender

A construction drawing is the general term used for a drawing that forms part of the tender documentation and the contract documents for the construction works. This means they have legal significance and form part of the agreement between the project owner and the contractor. The main purpose of construction Read more…