PMWeb 7 Recommendation to Award a Construction Contract

Creating an Auditable and Traceable Recommendation to Award a Construction Contract Agreement

The award of the construction contract agreements on capital construction projects represents one of the major milestones of the project life cycle as it entails major financial commitment on part of the project owner. The construction cost of a capital project could usually represent 90% of the total investment needed Read more…

The Single Version of Truth for Capital Construction Projects’ Commercial Performance for Real Estate Developers

For real estate developers, private equities and other entities who invest in capital construction projects always need to have a real-time single version of the truth dashboard to monitor and evaluate the commercial performance status of those projects. The commercial performance dashboard needs to report on the project or projects’ Read more…

Can Forensic Audits Help Recovering Funds Associated with Fraudulent Activities on Capital Construction Projects?

Financial losses during the implementation of capital construction projects arising from fraudulent activities can reach up to 45% of the project budget (Source: Association of Fraud Examiners, Russian Branch). In general, funds spent on capital construction projects are considered a sunk cost. A sunk cost refers to money that has Read more…