When it comes to monitoring and evaluating the performance of capital construction projects, one of the common methods to communicate this information is by providing stakeholders with reports and dashboards that detail the current achieved performance, reported issues, proposed recovery actions among other vital information. With the growing use of interactive business intelligence and data visualization applications like MS Power BI among others, stakeholders can be provided with high-quality interactive reports and dashboards that can show and tell the current performance of their projects. Nevertheless, most of those reports and dashboards fail to provide stakeholders with the complete information to tell the true story of how each process has performed and what were the particulars of this performance. So how can these storytelling reports be created?

Unless the culture of data-driven management and decision-making is embraced on capital construction projects’ delivery, stakeholders will never have access to traceable trust-worthy data needed for the storytelling reports and dashboards. For example, stakeholders who are keen to understand how Request for Information (RFI) or Technical Queries (TQ) issued by contractors had an impact on the project budget and completion date, those stakeholders need to have access to the RFIs or TQs information in a format that can be analyzed by period, reason, impact type, issuer among others. Those stakeholders want to be able to filter the reported information by any of those data fields by simply clicking on the relevant visual.

In addition, those stakeholders need to be able to trace selected RFIs or TQs to have more details on what was asked, answered, affected project schedule activity, attached documents, linked records, and emails, details of the review and approval tasks among others. What is also important is that those stakeholders want to be able to do this analysis and fact-finding on their own, anytime and from anywhere. 

PMWeb Request for Information Or Technical Queries (RFI/TQ) Report Storytelling Reports

Using MS Excel as the data source to capture the complete data and supportive documents for each process to be managed on a project, the least to say it is not practical if it not impossible. Not only the volume of transactions and workflow data for the hundred-plus management processes needed for projects is massive, but verifying the quality and correctness of captured data that will be stored on data silos is time-consuming and have a high risk of errors. In addition, the work-from-home imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic makes this task a true mission impossible.

PMWeb 7 RFI Log Template used for Storytelling Reports

To overcome this challenge, project management information systems (PMIS) like PMWeb need to be the only trusted platform to manage the project processes to enable capturing the data for each transaction, attached documents, and workflow tasks details. This data will become the real-time single version of the truth data source for all reports and dashboards that stakeholders can access whenever it is needed. To enable traceability of reported information, those reports and dashboards would usually include a table that summarizes the transactions for the reported process. Each displayed transaction will be hyperlinked to the process output form in PMWeb which represents how the transaction was communicated on the project.

PMWeb 7 Commitment CO Subcontract for Storytelling Reports

If the stakeholder wants to have more details on the displayed transaction, clicking the transaction record ID will display the transaction details in PMWeb. The displayed input form could be one of the many PMWeb ready-to-use forms or one of the newly created processes using PMWeb custom form builder. The input form will display all data captured for the transaction by the assigned project team members. 

PMWeb 7 Forms RFIs Conflict for Storytelling Reports

Should the stakeholder be interested in reviewing and viewing the attached supportive documents or linked relevant records or imported MS Outlook emails, the attachment tab will provide all of the information. Clicking on any of the documents will download a copy of the document so it can be reviewed while clicking the linked records or emails will display those records.

PMWeb 7 Forms RFIs Conflict

If the stakeholder has the requirement to review the details of the submit, review, approve or reject workflow tasks along with the comments made and provided team input, then clicking on the workflow tab will provide those details. PMWeb workflow log will report on the complete history of the submit, review, and approval tasks including planned and actual review dates and time as well as comments made by the reviewers. The stakeholder can select to display the names of those involved in the workflow rather than roles if needed.

PMWeb 7 Forms RFIs Conflict

In addition to the workflow tasks, if the stakeholder is curious to know who else was aware of the transaction under review although they were not part of the workflow assigned to the process, the process notification tab will provide this information. By clicking on the notification tab, it will display all emails sent to share the transaction. If the stakeholder clicks on any of the sent notifications, the sent email along with all details will be displayed.

PMWeb 7 Forms RFIs Conflict Notification Log


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