Why Project Owners Should Require Contractors to Develop Level 5 Construction Project Schedule if Artificial Intelligence is on Their Road Map

On most construction projects, the Integrated Project Execution Schedule will usually be completed at Level 4 while Level 5 is considered as a temporary document for coordinating site activities that will be detailed weekly by the project team. Nevertheless, for those project owners and contractors who have Artificial Intelligence (AI) Read more…

Using the APM Earned Value Management Guidelines to Enable Contractors to Manage, Monitor, Evaluate and Report Project Cost Performance on Lump Sum Contracts from Their Own Perspective as well as From Project Owner Perspective

The Association of Project Management (APM) Earned Value Management (EVM) guidelines can be used by Contractors to provide them with robust solutions to manage, monitor, evaluate and report project cost performance on their lump sum contracts from their perspective as well as the Project Owner perspective. The EVM reporting will Read more…

How to Have an Agile Solution to Monitor, Evaluate and Report the Status of Procurement of Contracts on Capital Construction Projects

For those responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the status of the cost of a capital construction project, there will be several business processes that need to be managed. Those are the processes for a cost estimate, budget, budget adjustments and transfers, contracts, potential contract changes, contract change orders, interim Read more…