As a general rule, every capital project needs to be designed before it is constructed. During the project design phase, many deliverables will be produced including drawings, specifications, bill of quantities, contract agreements, building permits, and public authorities’ approval among others. Those deliverables for which many could be subject to many revisions, need to be formally approved by the project owner and local authorities before they are issued for tender. For example, the chart below shows examples of the design deliverables at the 60% Construction Documents stage of the project design phase.

PMWeb 7 Construction Documents (CDs)

Project management information systems (PMIS) like PMWeb enable managing, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the status of design deliverables based on design (BOD), concept, schematic, design development, 60% construction documents, and 100% construction document stages. When using PMWeb as a PMIS, the drawing lists module allows capturing the details of all design deliverables, which usually include project phase, WBS level, CSI division, CSI specification, category, and status. In addition, it allows capturing all revisions of each deliverable including the full details of each version. The deliverable document itself, which could be a drawing, specification, etc. can be attached to its appropriate revision. Like other PMWeb modules, a workflow can be assigned to each deliverable to formalize the internal submission, review, and approval of each deliverable.

PMWeb 7 Forms Drawings Lists C 01 Civil Legends 

Usually, design deliverables are submitted for the project owner’s review and approval in sets that include interrelated deliverables. The PMWeb Drawings Set module allows creating design deliverable sets. The design coordinator selects the design deliverables to be included in the design deliverable set.

PMWeb 7 Forms Drawings Sets DS01 Drawings Sets Boston Contractors 
Link Drawings

Although a workflow can be assigned to the design deliverables set, nevertheless, to enforce formal communication, a transmittal will be generated for the design deliverable set. This enables the design coordinator the desired design review actions for the transmittal which have a predefined workflow to submit, review and approve the design deliverable set. The reviewer can drill down to the design deliverable document that was attached to the design deliverable and which will be stored in the PMWeb document management repository.

PMWeb 7 Forms Transmittals 9 Plans For Review 

PMWeb enables the project owner as well as the design consultant the ability to monitor, evaluate and report on the design stages’ deliverables in the desired form and format. The report could include visuals to summarize the design deliverables by stage, category, status, and any other attribute that was captured in the design deliverables input form. The design deliverables listed in the tabular link to the design deliverable input form to allow the report reviewer to drill down to the data source and view the document associated with that specific deliverable to ensure a single version of the truth when it comes to reporting design deliverables status.

PMWeb 7 Design Phases Deliverables Packages and Items


The world’s top organizations are selecting PMWeb because of its comprehensive features, functionality, and ease of use. Since 2007, PMWeb has been used by tens of thousands of users to manage their Plan | Build | Operate lifecycles.