Why Joint Venture (JV) Contractors Must Use a PMIS When Managing Their Construction Projects Delivery – Part 5: Enforcing Accountability

To enforce accountability on the hundreds of business processes that the JV Contractor needs to manage for delivering the capital construction project. Those processes are needed to manage the project’s schedule, cost, quality, resources, communications, risks, procurement, contracts, health, and safety, claims among many others. Usually, a JV Contractor will Read more…

Why Joint Venture (JV) Contractors Must Use a PMIS When Managing Their Construction Projects Delivery – Part 4: Earned Income, Earned Value and Actual Cost

As the construction contract commences, there will be three important processes that the JV Contractor needs to manage to be able to report the project’s financial performance. The first is the earned income (EI) for work the JV Contractor has invoiced the project owner for on the Income JV Contract, Read more…