PMWeb 7 Assest

Ensure That Progress Invoices Are Paid Only When The Interim Payment Certificates Are in Accordance with the Requirements Set in the Contract Agreement

When it comes to delivering capital construction projects, one of the processes that are common to all those projects is making payments for approved work in place completed by the contractor for each awarded contract. Nevertheless, those project owners, investors, and funding agencies need to be assured that before releasing Read more…

PMWeb 7 Forms RFIS

Reduce the Threat of Fraud on Capital Construction Projects with Automated Review and Approval Tasks

The construction industry is one of the industries that continue to suffer from the high cost of fraud. By definition, fraud is an intentionally deceptive action designed to provide the perpetrator with an unlawful gain or to deny a right to a victim. Types of fraud in the construction industry Read more…

PMWeb 7 Project Performance Dashboard HSE Performance Dashboard

Create Trust-Worthy, Real-Time, Interactive Performance Reports and Dashboards for Executive Project Stakeholders

I remember those days in the early 1990’s when I used to prepare the project’s performance reports using MS Excel and print on transparent pages so I can present the performance reports using the overhead projector to executive project stakeholders. The histograms, pie charts, and other visuals were very much Read more…