Analyzing a Projects’ Financial Data Using Business Intelligence and Data Visualization Tools

One of the key reporting requirements by executive stakeholders is to visualize the source of reported financial data on capital construction projects. Whether this information was related to the project budget and its planned spending, awarded contracts, earned payments, actual cost, estimate to complete remaining scope of work, estimate at Read more…

Why It is Critical to Align Progress and Financial Periods for Capital Construction Project Performance

One of the common requirements for all capital construction projects is to have a monthly assessment and appraisal of a project performance. This will include the performance as it relates to scheduled milestone dates, budget consumption, actual cost, changes, anticipated changes, achievements, issues among others. This performance reporting might require Read more…

Analyzing the Prequalification Scoring for Potential Consultants and Contractors

For capital project owners, outsourcing the project’s scope of work to qualified engineering consultants and contractors is one of the common practices in this industry. Ensuring that there is a formal process for prequalifying engineering consultants and contractors before they are invited to bid is crucial to reduce the risk Read more…