Using Kanban Activity Boards to Create the “Questions Wall” for Critical Questions Raised by Executive Stakeholders on Capital Construction Projects

Executive stakeholders at organizations that are involved in delivering capital construction projects always need to get correct and timely answers to the many critical questions that they might have. Some of those questions and answers could be of interest to stakeholders other than the stakeholders who have raised the questions. Read more…

Can Machine Learning be Used to Improve the Inspection, Verification, and Acceptance of Completed Work in Place on Capital Construction Projects?

One of the key challenges that have always faced the capital construction industry is the talent drain. Many of the experienced project management team are either retiring or changing their career path. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend especially in countries that depend on migrant resources who have either Read more…

Why It is so Critical to Manage Formal and Ad-Hoc Email Communications on Capital Construction Projects

Regardless of the extent of digital transformation that is being implemented and adopted on a capital construction project, individuals will continue to use emails as a means for formal and ad-hoc communications. Many times, the content of those email communications might have implications on the project’s cost, schedule, quality, and Read more…