Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting the Value of Capital Construction Projects Using the Earned Value Management (EVM) Method

Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting the performance of schedule, cost and quality will always be a core requirement when it comes to managing the execution of capital construction projects. Nevertheless, it is also true that project owners, and in particular those of the public sector, each project they undertake will contribute Read more…

Avoiding the Misuse of Budget Contingency Reserve on Capital Construction Projects by Enforcing the Best Practices of Transparency and Accountability While Unlocking Trapped Budget Reserve

Every capital construction project has risks that may affect the cost, schedule, or quality of the completed work. The likelihood of these risks must be assessed so their typical cost can be calculated. The result is the contingency reserve also called known-unknown risks. Typically, a 5-10% calculation of the construction Read more…

Can Machine Learning Help Project Executives to Focus and Prioritize Actions on the Most Urgent Communications, Tasks, and Events on Capital Construction Projects?

There are many definitions for Machine Learning, nevertheless, the one from the Western Governors University (WGU) is direct and to the point. It states that “Machine Learning (ML) is the process of a computer program or system being able to learn and get smarter over time. At the very basic Read more…