Managing, Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting the Capital Construction Project Financial Status for Build-to-Suit Lease Agreements

For many real estate developers including master developers, the Build-to-Suit Lease is one of the options available for developing projects on their portfolio of undeveloped lands. An option that targets business owners who have requirements for highly customized and brand-new property that is Best Suited to run their operations. Those Read more…

Why the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Should be Part of the Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting on Your Capital Construction Project Investments Performance

Although many of those involved in investing in capital construction projects have different criteria to decide if the project opportunity is worthwhile investing in or not, nevertheless, two of the most important measures that will always appear on this list are Risk Attractiveness and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Those Read more…

How Can Organizations Take Advantage from Their Past and Current Experience in Managing Change Orders to Build an Unbiased Assessment of Schedule and Cost Impact of Change Order Risks as well as Their Occurrence Likelihood on their Capital Construction Projects’ Portfolio?

Similar to any risk assessment, assessing the exposure of change orders risk on a capital construction project requires assessing the likelihood of the risk occurrence as well as the impact that this risk could have on the project’s completion date and budget should it occur. To improve the occurrence likelihood Read more…