Monitoring, Evaluating, and Reporting the Delivery Stage Tsunami Early Warning Indicators of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Projects 

For Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Projects, after the successful conclusion of the procurement stage and financial close, the delivery stage commences. This stage includes three phases: construction, service delivery, and contract expiry. The construction phase is the phase in which the design and construction occur and concludes through the commissioning process once Read more…

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Reporting the Life Cycle Stages Deliverables of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Projects 

The execution of Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) Projects goes through several stages known as the PPP Project Life Cycle Stages. For example, those could include the stages of Identify & Screen, Appraise & Prepare, Structure & Draft, Procurement, and Operation & Hand Back.  Although in general, the stages are identical to all PPP Read more…

Managing, Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting Design Deliverables on Capital Projects

As a general rule, every capital project needs to be designed before it is constructed. During the project design phase, many deliverables will be produced including drawings, specifications, bill of quantities, contract agreements, building permits, and public authorities’ approval among others. Those deliverables for which many could be subject to Read more…