On construction projects, time extensions may be requested for a variety of reasons. They are used to demonstrate that delays have occurred in the construction schedule that affects the project completion date. All-time extensions are usually related to delays beyond the contractor’s control, and many involve change order requests. Time extension requests are normally specified in a contract provision and must be made following the steps and documentation requirements defined in the contract guidelines.
Using Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) like PMWeb, the project management team can improve the process for managing, monitoring and evaluating extension of time (EOT) requests. Using PMWeb form builder, a form will be created to submit, review, approve or reject the EOT request. The form will include the required fields that need be completed by the contractor who is submitting the EOT request such as contract number and title, details of the delay, the reason for EOT entitlement, the amount of time extension requested in working days and the amount of claimed financial compensation. The form will also include the fields that will be completed by the Project Owner or his authorized agent. Those will include response on the requested extension of time, if partially rejected, the number of work days being rejected, the reason for the extension of time request, the approved financial compensation and the new date for the project’s practical completion date.
The form will also include a checklist of items that the supporting documents that contractor should confirm that those were completed and are part of the extension of time submission. The form could also include other checklists that could be needed when it comes to reviewing and analyzing the extension of time request. View and edit of those checklists will be limited to the Project Owner and his authorized agents.
![PMWeb 7 Asset Managment Forms EOT Request](https://pmweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/036-1-1024x576.jpg)
The form attachment tab will be used to upload and attach all supportive documents as well as link other PMWeb records and imported MS Outlook emails that are needed to support the extension of time request. Those could include daily reports, RFIs, meeting minutes among others.
![PMWeb 7 Asset Managment Forms EOT Request Link Records](https://pmweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/036-2-1024x452.png)
The workflow tab will detail the status of the extension of time request review and approval. The workflow will detail the actions and date of actions for those individuals who are part of the workflow process. The workflow will be used to update the status of the extension of time request.
![PMWeb 7 Workflow](https://pmweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/036-3-1024x473.png)
PMWeb reporting tool will be also used to create the extension of time request form that needs to be submitted formally to the project owner or his authorized agent requesting the time extension and the reasons why those days should be added to the construction schedule. The form will be designed in the form and format required for the project and as usually detailed in the project execution plan.
The status and details of all submitted extension of time requests will be captured in the Extension of Time (EOT) Requests Register. The register will include a tabular log that shows the details of all submitted extension of time requests. It will include visuals to detail the EQT requests by reason, approved or awarded EOT requests by reason, EOT awarded financial compensation by reason and total submitted EOT claims by status. The register will also display the current extended project completion date.
![PMWeb 7 Extension of Time (EOT) Requests Register](https://pmweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/036-4-1024x584.png)