Why Having Access to Trustworthy Data is a Must Requirement to Enable Artificial Intelligence on Capital Construction Projects

Intelligence, whether artificial or not, depends on the extent of relevant wisdom available to propose actions or predict future outcomes. Wisdom depends on the extent of available knowledge which depends on the amount of valid information available that depends on the trustworthiness of historical and current data that can be Read more…

Why Having Standardized Work, Organization and Cost Breakdown Structures are a Must for Enabling Artificial Intelligence on Capital Construction Projects

Cost breakdown structure (CBS) or control accounts (CA) are critical for establishing the lowest level of detail for which a capital construction project work, scope, schedule, and cost will be planned and managed. A comprehensive CBS requires having a detailed work breakdown structure (WBS) and an organization breakdown structure (OBS). Read more…

Using Stage Gates to Enforce Project Governance while Communicating a Real-Time Single Version of the Truth Performance Status of Capital Construction Projects for Real Estate Development Directors, Managers, Investors and Other Executive Stakeholders

Capital construction projects are generally high-risk investments given the significant amounts of cash, complexity, stakeholders with conflicting interests, rules, and regulations to comply with, and duration that they span for. As a result of these challenges, project-level risks can easily become enterprise-level risks. The Project Management Institute (PMI) Pulse of Read more…