Orange County Sanitation District


The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) implemented PMWeb as a management system for OCSD’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) – a 20-year program of capital works managing around $115 million at the time of implementation and planned to increase to $270 million by 2022/2023.


Founded in 1954, the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) is a wastewater treatment facility that serves Orange County, California. It is the third-largest wastewater treatment facility west of the Mississippi River. OCSD and the Orange County Water District were awarded the Stockholm Industry Water Award in 2008 for pioneering work to develop (with Trojan Technologies of Canada) the Groundwater Replenishment System, the world’s largest water purification plant for groundwater recharge.


OCSD was seeking a Service Provider to implement a web-based, hosted software solution for a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Management system. At the time of procurement of its new CIP Management System, OCSD’s CIP involved around $115 million in works each year. Under their 20-year CIP, annual volume was forecast to increase to more than $270 million, including work on rehab and replacement, by the 2022- 2023 financial year. The new system needed to provide a collaborative environment that allowed all project stakeholders to access a single system. The system needed to be flexible and scalable in order to meet OCSD’s current and future needs. OCSD chose PMWeb after a comprehensive RFP process.

Orange County Sanitation District

OCSD’s previous system started with Primavera Expedition 7.5, which they upgraded to Contract Manager – then Oracle discontinued the Product. To use the words of the OCSD team, their system:

  • was held together with duct tape and bailing wire
  • lost ability to edit forms & reports
  • used hodgepodge of methods to process documents.


Having selected PMWeb in May 2017, OCSD identified two main tasks:

  • Business Process Re-engineering.
  • Software configuration & implementation.

PMWeb was identified to replace all of the CIP tools (which also included InfoPath Forms and a custom-built MS Access application), except for Primavera P6. PMWeb was implemented to manage project-related records including:

Cost Management: Budgets, Contracts/ Commitments, Change Orders, Change Requests, Change Events, Progress Invoices

Forms: Non Compliance, RFIs, Submittals, Meeting Minutes, Daily Reports, Punch Lists, Correspondence.

Scheduling: Schedules

Portfolio: BI Reporting, Search, Projects, Companies/Vendors, Document Log, Distribution Lists

Toolbox: Bluebeam Mark-ups, Document Manager, PMWeb Viewer

OCSD Service Area


OCSD has integrations involving the creation of users and exports of invoices. Progress invoices are integrated with OCSD’s payment request vouchers so whether an invoice is processed within or outside PMWeb, the OCSD accounts payable department uses the same business process.

OCSD user data is sent to PMWeb and SAML login accounts are created in PMWeb via SSIS. Contract invoice data is exported out of PMWeb on a nightly basis and is sent to a staging area where OCSD routines process the data and send it to Maximo, another OCSD enterprise system.

An Employee Phonebook was implemented to automatically create and disable contacts and user accounts as new employees are hired and employees retire.

 Orange County 20-Years CIP Outlay (USD)


  • Core Module with Business Intelligence, Reporting, Security
  • Planning, Prioritization, Estimating, Online Bidding
  • Cost/Contracts, Project Management, Forms, Budgets, Funding
  • Visual Workflow
  • Scheduling


  • Document Manager
  • Custom Form Builder
  • Timesheets
  • LDAP or SAML for AD
  • Bluebeam integration