PMWeb 7 Request for Information Or Technical Queries (RFI/TQ) Report

Why Stakeholders Want Storytelling Reports to Monitor and Evaluate the Performance of Capital Construction Projects

When it comes to monitoring and evaluating the performance of capital construction projects, one of the common methods to communicate this information is by providing stakeholders with reports and dashboards that detail the current achieved performance, reported issues, proposed recovery actions among other vital information. With the growing use of Read more…

PMWeb 7 Procurement Forms PMBOK Project Charter

Manage the Version History and Track Revisions of Deliverables on Capital Construction Projects

Projects of all types create deliverables which are simply the results of the project or the processes to be managed in the project. Those for example could include the technical deliverables such as engineering drawings, calculations, technical specification, etc., project management deliverables such as project charter, project budget, project schedule, Read more…

PMWeb Overall Project's Portfolio Performance Status Report Cost Management

How to Provide Meaningful and Relevant Department Reporting with a PMIS

Most capital project owners continue to adopt the concept of strong matrix organization when it comes to managing the delivery of capital construction projects. For those organizations, although project managers will have the ultimate responsibility for managing and coordinating projects’ disciplines, nevertheless, the functional managers also need to have department Read more…