Using the Kanban Technique for Construction Claims on Capital Construction Projects Analysis Checklists

The article titled “Construction Claims Analysis Checklists” by Richard J. Long, P.E., and Rod C. Carter, CCP, PSP published on LinkedIn on February 20, 2020 ( provide a thorough analysis of what information to be captured and tasks that need to be performed for claims analysis, whether they were for Read more…

Using the Kanban Technique to Capture Wasted Knowledge from Ad-Hoc Collaboration on Capital Construction Projects – The Risk Register Use Case

Collaboration is an integral requirement for every project that needs to be managed and it is no different when it comes to managing capital construction projects. Some of this collaboration will be planned while others could be ad-hoc. Planned collaboration is the collaboration governed by pre-defined workflows that maps the Read more…

Why a PPP Project Company Needs a Project Management Information System for Managing, Monitoring, Evaluating and Performance Reporting of the Contract Management Stage of a PPP Project

The delivery of Public-Private=Partnership (PPP) projects involves creating a Project Company which will usually be in the form of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to develop and manage the project. The SPV will sign the different agreements for delivering the PPP project including those for the engineering, procurement, and construction Read more…