How Can Associating PMIS and BIM Data Improve the Monitoring, Evaluating, Reporting and Visualizing RFIs on Capital Construction Projects?

The Request for Information (RFI) process is one of the required processes that will exist on every capital construction project regardless of it is type, size, or location. RFIs are issued by the contractor, prime subcontractors, suppliers, or any other entities who have a role in delivering the project’s scope Read more…

Using BIM Models to Enable the Commercial Management Team to Visualize the Approved Work in Place Paid for in Interim Payment Certificates

One of the advantages that Building Information Modelling (BIM) brings to the delivery of capital construction projects is to enable project stakeholders who are not of the BIM development, review, and approval process to better visualize the project’s scope of work as it relates to their own activities. The BIM Read more…

How to Use Building Information Modelling (BIM) Models to Better Monitor, Evaluate, Report and Visualize the Status of Defective Items Captured on Punch Lists on Capital Construction Projects

In capital construction projects, a punch list (occasionally referred to as a snag list) defines the inspection process necessary to compile a list of minor defects or omissions in building works for the contractor to rectify. The faults identified in the snag list should be remedied before issuing the certificate Read more…