Earned Value Management (EVM) to Report Performance When the Culture of “100% Committed to Achieve” in Managing the Contractor’s Contract Price on Capital Construction Projects is Adopted

PMWeb Project Management Information System (PMIS) requisition module will be used to capture the details of all interim payment certificates issued by the contractor and approved by the project owner. This value is also known as the Earned Value (EV) which will be used in Earned Value Method (EVM) reporting. Read more…

Is There a Way to Improve the Quality of “Gut Instinct” Decisions Made by Stakeholders on Capital Construction Projects?

Gut instinct is an instinctive feeling, as opposed to an opinion or idea based on facts. Gut instinct is also known as a hunch or sixth sense which is each project stakeholder’s primal wisdom. Humans in general have a strong addiction to their own capabilities, developed over their many years Read more…

Managing, Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting Performance of Energy Saving Proposals for Capital Improvement Projects

One of the growing trends among capital project owners is to undertake capital improvement projects that would result in energy savings, such as right-sizing equipment, retrofitting equipment, and similar small-scale projects. Infrastructure replacement projects that provide energy-efficient alternatives for aging mechanical systems. Reducing energy consumption not only reduces the electricity Read more…