Why Project Owners Should Require Contractors to Develop Level 5 Construction Project Schedule if Artificial Intelligence is on Their Road Map

On most construction projects, the Integrated Project Execution Schedule will usually be completed at Level 4 while Level 5 is considered as a temporary document for coordinating site activities that will be detailed weekly by the project team. Nevertheless, for those project owners and contractors who have Artificial Intelligence (AI) Read more…

Digital Performance Reporting for Capital Construction Projects

Project owners, contractors, consultants, project management consultants, funding agencies, and other entities that are involved in capital construction project delivery have one common requirement, and that is having access to their projects’ performance status. Regardless of the project type, size, phase, value, or location, those entities need to have a Read more…

Enforcing Action Driven Letter Communications on Capital Construction Projects

Regardless of the extent of business processes that need to be managed on capital construction projects, formal letter communications between the different project entities will always continue to exist and must be managed efficiently. Usually, the majority of those letters might entail events or actions that might end to be Read more…