Using Technology to Enable a 360-Solution to Manage, Monitor, Evaluate and Report the Performance of Retail Brands Expansion and Remodeling Programs and Projects – Step 2: Ensure that you have a Single Version of the Truth Visibility of Your Projects’ Financial Performance

Having a trustworthy single version of the truth of the financial status of either an expansion or remodeling project for a retail brand is of great importance and a must requirement to the project owner. The presentation of such financial reports can be in different forms and formats. For example, Read more…

Using Technology to Enable a 360-Solution to Manage, Monitor, Evaluate and Report the Performance of Retail Brands Expansion and Remodeling Programs and Projects – Step 1: Ensure that you have a Single Version of the Truth Visibility of Your Complete Projects’ Portfolio for Each Retail Brand

Whether it is a luxury or casual goods or cloths, family dining or fast-food restaurants, coffee shop or donut outlet, cinemas, family or kids’ entertainment, electronic products, furniture or household stores, or any other type of retail product or service, the original brand owner and their local or regional franchisee, Read more…

Why the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Should be Part of the Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting on Your Capital Construction Project Investments Performance

Although many of those involved in investing in capital construction projects have different criteria to decide if the project opportunity is worthwhile investing in or not, nevertheless, two of the most important measures that will always appear on this list are Risk Attractiveness and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Those Read more…