Can Public Sector Entities in the Middle East Implement Project Management Best Practices in Delivering Capital Construction Projects?

One of the key challenges that face many public sector entities in the Middle East is the absence of project management software applications that are compliant with the formal communication language of those countries, being the Arabic language. The requirement is not only to input the data in Arabic but Read more…

How To Enable Project Stakeholders To Do Their Own Dice, Slice, Analysis and Visualization of Data Captured on Capital Construction Projects by Using Any Business Intelligence and Data Visualization Tool

One must admit that the availability of easy-to-use business intelligence and data visualization tools like MS Power BI, Tableau, Qlik among many others, has provided project stakeholders with a great opportunity to consume data captured on capital construction projects to dice, slice, analyze and visualize the data in the way Read more…

Why Real Estate Developers Should Integrate the Management of Off-Plan Sales Business Processes with the Business Processes Needed to Manage the Delivery of Capital Construction Projects

Off-plan properties are an opportunity to buy property at a much lower price and enjoy the capital appreciation of the property once it has been built to completion. The low entry price especially appeals to first-time buyers who may find be faced with limited choices for their budget. Once their Read more…