Why Capital Project Investors Should Ensure that their PMCs are Using Project Management Information Systems When Managing, Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting Their Projects’ Performance

It is a very common practice for investors whose capital construction projects development is not one of their core business practices to outsource the management of delivering those projects to specialized project management consulting (PMC) firms to reduce their risk exposure on such investments. Most of those investors will have Read more…

Ensuring Compliance with the Delegation of Authority (DoA) Matrix Rules Set for Capital Construction Projects Delivery

Regardless of the type of location of a capital construction project, the project owner will always have the authority approval levels set for each project which could vary depending on project size, category, or type. Those approvals are mainly related to cost, procurement, and commercial-related business processes that could have Read more…

How to Implement an Objective Quality Performance Index (QPI) to be Monitored, Evaluated, and Reported by Projects Owners on Capital Construction Projects

Quality is one of three key objectives of any project to be delivered including capital construction projects. Managing quality on capital construction projects includes many business processes for quality assurance and quality control. Those business processes will usually be applied to all specification sections that the project needs to comply Read more…